Friday 3 April 2009

"Freedom, high-day! High-day, freedom! Freedom, high-day, freedom!"

(-The Tempest, Act II, scene 3, line 186)
This was the week that never ended...
SUNDAY - Complete a 10-page paper that ultimately does not matter and is only being used as proof that students in the UK are working.
MONDAY - Theatre in London, instead of meeting at 1:45, met at 12:30 across the Thames at the National Theatre. Sure, we took a tour of the building and then take a somewhat-archaeological tour of Southwark in which we saw the original locations of the Globe and the Rose theatres...but this is what we saw:
A) No pictures in the theatre, but we mostly saw lumber and backstage shit. Midly interesting.
B) A building on top of the site of the Globe, rendering it impossible to see any element of the original building.
C) A plaque where the Rose was.
Whoop dee fucking doo.
TUESDAY - Go to the National Portrait Gallery with hours of research on Aleister Crowley so that I can talk about a portrait of him there...and we end class as I'm literally standing right next to the painting. Fuck my life.
WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY - Endless rehearsals and performances.
Play of the Week: "Warhouse" @ the New London on Drury Lane
Great play. They used amazing life-sized horse-puppets in the show, and anyone who knows me well knows that I'm a man who fancies his life-sized horse-puppets.
Wednesday - Monologue Presentation (Richard Gloucester from Richard III Act I, scene 2)
From what people told me, they liked it a lot. I felt good about it, so I have no complaints. The disfiguration of the body was a bitch on my arm, though.
Friday - The Tempest a.k.a. The Tempenist (1st Prospero/Sebastian)
I think we did rather well. I felt better about this than I felt about my performance in King John, mostly because I could actually interact with other characters as opposed to sort of chilling out in the back, and then delivering chunky monologues to the audience about what's happening.
But now, I am free. We received the working scripts for Measure for Measure and we receive our roles tomorrow via email. The script is 93 pages long. This will not be a short process.
On an interesting side-note, I shaved.
I aspired to grow a Sir Walter Raleigh-style curled moustache & goatee combo. I was told it was a sophisticated look, but I was also told it looked silly. I enjoyed in both ends of the spectrum. After a while, though, it started to become a real pain in the ass. So, the facial hair had to go.


I feel about 25 years younger now, for some reaon.



Anyway, the plan for tomorrow is for a few people to head over to Oxford for the day. I'll probably do that, so I'll let the internet know how that was. It's not a coastal town, so I don't think they have rocks to throw...

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