Saturday 25 April 2009

"These our actors [...] are melted into air, into thin air..."

(-The Tempest, Act IV, scene 1, 148-150)

The RADA program has officially ended, although we still have a few more academic classes left to take before we leave the country. Since we've finished Measure for Measure and don't have to worry about memorizing lines anymore, we decided to go all out.

Similar to Easter in Barcelona, we all had a picnic of sorts in Regent's Park. Since Spain, I've become something of a cheesemonger, so I have a talent now to bring to parties back in the States. We ate, we played some baseball, then we sort of drank ourselves stupid that night.

Final Play of the Week: Romeo and Juliet @ Shakespeare's Globe
Yep, the full-out Shakespearean experience: standing, minstrels, sex jokes, etc. Overall, I think everyone had a good time and enjoyed the show. The armed combat was a little weak I feel, but you can't win them all.

That next day, for my Art in London class, we ended up taking a walking tour of the City of London, which was the first Roman settlement of the area and now sort of operates in the same way that Vatican City does in Rome.

Some Roman stuff was still left behind, so that was kind of cool to see.
Now, sadly, there isn't going to be too much more of London on this blog. However, I leave for Venice on Wednesday, so you'll be seeing a lot of other crazy foreign shit up here.
(Some photographs above provided by Katelyn Manfre)

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