Wednesday 28 January 2009

Duet for One...for Us

I know it's been a very short while since my last post, but certain things need to be addressed now before I forget.

Before I begin, though, a note about today at RADA: classes were fucked. Two of our teachers were greatly delayed due to mass transit issues and two of our teachers were just plain absent (luckily, the combat guy sent in a substitute). If you looked at my schedule, you'd see that 4 out of 4 classes had some problem with the teacher assigned to teach it for today.


The Play of the Week: "Duet for One" @ the Almeida near King's Cross

Fantastic two-person play about a psychiatrist helping a former violinist struggle through her depression and anger after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. For two people sitting in a single room for two and a half hours, it held my attention rather well. Moving, intriguing, and worth seeing if it every comes to the US.

A few of us who saw the show went out to a pub on the way back to Nido called Slim Jim's (not affiliated with the stick of meat-thing). It's a good thing we did, because we ran into some Australian folks that I met on our first Friday night at the Rocket. I don't have pictures, but their names were Joe, John, Jack, Ben, and Kate. I was mildly upset at Ben and Kate for not being named Jim and Jen...that would have been awesome.
Also, I would like to change the subject of my...
The new discovery:
His name was Tim. Thanks go to Joel for providing this delightful nugget of knowledge.
That's all for now.
Go away.
PS - If you're wondering about the crazy periods in between some of the lines, I did that because Blogger doesn't like the fact that I like to space separate thoughts apart like a rational human being. Blogger is a shit.

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