Friday 30 January 2009

2 Weeks Down...11 More To Go

We come to the end of Week 2 with not a whole lot of new stuff to add...mainly because I posted a lot of trivial shit the second it happened, so I couldn't build up an impressive post-length with three or four days worth of information.

Regardless, here are the updates:


Voice (with Andrew Cuthbert) - This is the first time that I've had the experience of "voice & speech class" being divided into "voice class" and "speech class". So far, it's just been a lot of us making noises...but full, resonant noises. I never liked Voice & Speech before, so we'll give it some time before I judge it.

2) FULL DETAILS OF OUR FIRST SHOWING - "Arts of Shakespeare"
The first three sets of performances/showings are for RADA faculty only. No one is allowed to see these showings, nor are they allowed to photograph or film don't get all pissy if I didn't invite you. Besides, if you're the kind of person to get "pissy", I probably wouldn't want you there in the first place.

Combat Portion - We'll be performing an abridged version of the first scene in Romeo and Juliet, wherein I play Tybalt and fight Benvolio with rapier & dagger. I have an Examiner's Award for Excellence when I took my rapier & dagger skills proficiencyy test, so I'm not too worried.

Dance Portion - We'll be performing various Elizabethan court dances, including the galliard and the pavan...both of which I sort of learned during my first year at Playwrights Horizons, so I'm not too worried.

Clown Portion - We'll be performing famous clown scenes throughout Shakespeare's works. The guy who plays Benvolio in the combat portion and I are doing the gravedigger scene from Hamlet (V,i). We're at a strong place in our rehearsal progress, so I'm not too worried.

Sonnet Portion - We'll be reading a selection of Shakespeare's sonnets in a performance manner. In case you need to know, mine is #71. It's a fairly simple sonnet without a whole lot of imagery, so I'm not too worried.
Singing Portion - We'll be performing two madrigals (songs from the period...not sure why their called madrigals), one will be performed by the entire group of 16, then we were split into two groups who will each sing their own. I'm a bass for both of my songs and that section isn't too difficult...but I'm still going to have to sing. This would be where the worry comes in. Not a lot, but enough.

That's really it. I felt bad about not having any pictures, though, so I looked up "the funniest picture in the world" on GoogleImages. The first two pictures were totally bullshit and not funny. People need to really think twice before saying that a collage of photos of their baby smiling is "the funniest picture in the world"...because it isn't, and you're terrible parents for thinking that. The third picture, however, was relatively funny. This is the picture.

Not the funniest picture in the world, but I'll let it slide...for now.

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