Friday 13 March 2009

Top 11 WTF Moments of Berlin

...because a Top 10 list is for the cowardly.
#11 (Advertising)

#11 Chocolate Shake-speare: Now, I know they're trying to advertise for a certain color of nail-polish, but for the life of me, I have no idea why in the hell they decided to make a pun out of chocolate shakes and Shakespeare.
#10 (Society)

#10 Free Pales(tine): This just seemed to be highly unnecessary, but it also seems to be very popular in Berlin...not the liberation of Palestine, mind you, but fucking with people's grafitti.

Yep, we're all about free pales. Now, if we can only include buckets...
#9 (Transportation)

#9 Mercedes-Benz E-Class Taxi: Holy hell, Batman. I know Mercedes-Benz is a German car, but we don't use Corvettes as cabs in the US. Well, maybe the German people like a certain modern luxury in their vehicles. I wonder what the common-man drives.

...alrighty then.
#8 (Food)

#8 Hamlet Coffee Bar: Our second unnecessary run-in with the Bard in Berlin. Dead for a decaf, dead! But seriously, why?
#7 (Shopping)

#7 The Octuple XL: There's no way in hell they're offering clothing sizes up to 8XL. If so, they might as well call the sotre "Fatass Tarp Emporium".
#6 (Unique Sights)

#6 Traumtheater ("Dream Theatre"): We have never seen a seedier-looking place in all our lives. This is where you go to lose a kidney to the black market and catch hepatitis in one foul swoop.
#5 (Impact of Tourism)

#5 "I <3>Twighlight, don't they? So, what's the big deal if somebody writes this on a wall. Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with it...if some ditsy American twat didn't write it on one of the few remaining fragments of the Berlin Wall. No, I'm not making this up...some bitch wrote I <3>this is why the world fucking hates us.
#4 (Foreign Relations)

#4 Locations of Certain Embassies: The US embassy is located right by the Brandenberg Gate, right by the spot where Ronald Reagan told Gorbachev to "tear down this wall". Appropriate location. Let's take a look at where the Japanese embassy is...

Hiroshimastrasse..."Hiroshima Street". Really? Did you already have a Tokyostrasse, an Okinawastrasse, an Edostrasse, and ever other Japanese city-strasse scattered about Belin, so when they needed a location for the embassy, the only city that was left was one that had the atomic bomb dropped upon it? Location, location, location.
#3 (Advertising)

#3 The Sandalsaurus: I really have no idea why this exists. The people at Lanvin must have a remarkable window-display design team.
#2 (Art)

#2 ???: Seriously, somebody tell me what the hell is going on in this statue. It sort of haunts me...
#1 (Art)
#1 The Yellow Field: Okay...this one needs a little bit of a backstory. We were walking out of the West Berlin train station, heading toward the Reichstag, when we come across this little paintings display along a walkway. Just a bunch of very pretty paintings, all lined up in a row, with a little description underneath in multiple languages so that viewers can figure ou what the painting is all about. This one was a very serene, lovely looking painting, and we wanted to learn more about it. Naturally, we couldn't read the original German description, so we looked at the English translation.


...I beg your pardon? The yellow field of what?


I looked through my pocket German dictionary...vergewaltigung/vergewaltigen is "rape" in German.


There isn't another German word that comes remotely close to that.



This has been the Top 11 WTF Moments of Berlin.

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